What NOT To Buy In Metro Vancouver l Fraser Valley l BC 

(November 09, 2016)

We have spoken incessantly about the do's of home buying. Here is a very short list of the don'ts of home buying in Greater Vancouver and in general across our spectacularly beautiful province we love so much.

THE BC HOME HUNTER GROUP l AWARD WINNING URBAN & SUBURBAN METRO VANCOUVER l FRASER VALLEY l WEST COAST l BC REAL ESTATE 604-767-6736 #BCHOMEHUNTER.COM  #Vancouver #WhiteRock #SouthSurrey #WestVancouver #Langley #MapleRidge #NorthVancouver #Langley #FraserValley #Burnaby #FortLangley #PittMeadows #Delta #Richmond #CoalHarbour #Surrey #Abbotsford #FraserValley #Kerrisdale #Cloverdale #Coquitlam #EastVan #Richmond #PortMoody #Yaletown #CrescentBeach #Clayton #MorganCreek #FraserValleyHomeHunter #VancouverHomeHunter #OceanPark #MorganHeights #GrandviewHeights #LynnValley #Lonsdale #VancouverHomeHunter #FraserValleyHomeHunter  @BCHOMEHUNTER  THE BC HOME HUNTER GROUP  AWARD WINNING URBAN & SUBURBAN REAL ESTATE TEAM WITH HEART 604-767-6736  METRO VANCOUVER I FRASER VALLEY I BC  What's in your beautiful B.C. backyard ?  Look for our trademarked
To help you along, we’ve compiled this handy list of the the types of homes you should NOT buy and what kind of neighbours you should avoid. While not hard and fast rules, they’re a good guid... read more.

Vancouver Market Update Its All About Townhouses Condos & Taxes

(November 02, 2016)

THE BC HOME HUNTER GROUP l AWARD WINNING URBAN & SUBURBAN METRO VANCOUVER l FRASER VALLEY l WEST COAST l BC REAL ESTATE 604-767-6736 #BCHOMEHUNTER.COM  #Vancouver #WhiteRock #SouthSurrey #WestVancouver #Langley #MapleRidge #NorthVancouver #Langley #FraserValley #Burnaby #FortLangley #PittMeadows #Delta #Richmond #CoalHarbour #Surrey #Abbotsford #FraserValley #Kerrisdale #Cloverdale #Coquitlam #EastVan #Richmond #PortMoody #Yaletown #CrescentBeach #Clayton #MorganCreek #FraserValleyHomeHunter #VancouverHomeHunter #OceanPark #MorganHeights #GrandviewHeights #LynnValley #Lonsdale #VancouverHomeHunter #FraserValleyHomeHunter  @BCHOMEHUNTER  THE BC HOME HUNTER GROUP  AWARD WINNING URBAN & SUBURBAN REAL ESTATE TEAM WITH HEART 604-767-6736  METRO VANCOUVER I FRASER VALLEY I BC  What's in your beautiful B.C. backyard ?  Look for our trademarkedYou've been hearing our real estate group scream while pulling our collective hair out regarding the staggering levels of media induced government interventionism in all areas of our real estate market. Nowhere have we seen this more evident than the city of Vancouver led by Mayor Moonbeam. Recent attacks on the middle class by all levels of municipal, provincial and federal governments have turne... read more.

The Downward Spiral Of Pricing Your Home Incorrectly Today

(October 21, 2016)

@BCHOMEHUNTER  THE BC HOME HUNTER GROUP  AWARD WINNING URBAN & SUBURBAN REAL ESTATE TEAM WITH HEART 604-767-6736  METRO VANCOUVER I FRASER VALLEY I BC  What's in your beautiful B.C. backyard ?  Look for our trademarkedWe love the truth - especially in real estate. It may not be what you want to hear but it won't lie to you! If your a home owner anywhere in British Columbia but in particular the metro Vancouver and Fraser Valley regions your acutely aware of the extremely negative impacts of municipal, provincial and now federal government interventionism has had on our real estate markets for home sellers. This... read more.

The Truth About Metro Vancouver & Fraser Valley Real Estate Update

(October 15, 2016)

THE BC HOME HUNTER GROUP AWARD WINNING URBAN & SUBURBAN METRO VANCOUVER l FRASER VALLEY l WEST COAST l BC REAL ESTATE 604-767-6736 #BCHOMEHUNTER.COM  LOOK FOR OUR TRADEMARKED SOLD HEART SIGNS IN YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD - WE SELL REAL ESTATE DIFFERENTLY   #Vancouver #WhiteRock #SouthSurrey #WestVancouver #Langley #MapleRidge #NorthVancouver #Langley #FraserValley #Burnaby #FortLangley #PittMeadows #Delta #Richmond #CoalHarbour #Surrey #Abbotsford #FraserValley #Kerrisdale #Cloverdale #Coquitlam #EastVan #Richmond #PortMoody #Yaletown #CrescentBeach #Clayton #MorganCreek #FraserValleyHomeHunter #VancouverHomeHunter #OceanPark #MorganHeights #GrandviewHeights #LynnValley #Lonsdale #VancouverHomeHunter #FraserValleyHomeHunter  #bchomehunter #vancouverhomehunter #fraservalleyhomehunter  #northvancouverhomehunter #whiterockhomehunter #langleyhomehunter #fortlangleyhomehunter #westvancouverhomehunter #pittmeadowshomehunter #burnabyhomehunter #coquitlamhomehunter #deltahomehunter #mapleridgehomehunter
#surreyhomehunter #southsurreyhomehunter #morganheightshomehunter #abbotsfordhomehunter #squamishhomehunter #whistlerhomehunter #portcoquitlamhomehunter #yaletownhomehunter #eastvancouverhomehunter #chilliwackhomehunter #okanaganhomehunter #islandhomehunter #canadianhomehunter #canadahomehunter #fixeruppercanada #fixeruppervancouver #604life #welovebc #wesellbc #urbansuburbanhomehunter #urbanhomehunter #suburbanhomehunter #sunshinecoasthomehunter #townhomehunter #condohomehunter #waterfronthomehunter #resorthomehunter #fraservalleysold #whiterocksold #langleysold #northvansold #westvansold #vancouverhomelove #okanagansold #bcrealtorsold #bchomelove #bchhrealty #vancouverhomelove #oceanparkhomehunter #grandviewhomehunter #crescentbeachhomehunter #bchomehunterHere we go again folks, Our bi polar lower mainland real estate market has been the victim of draconian new anti real estate laws, anti real estate rules, anti homeowner taxes and about as much negative media and special interest attacks as the current U.S. presidential election has had gaffs! 

Applying all the above to our real estate crystal ball logarithm our real estate group believes the metro... read more.

First-Time Homebuyers Slammed By New Federal Mortgage Rules?

(October 10, 2016)

New rules put squeeze on first-time buyers?

Here we go again folks, your federal government has yet again thrown the kitchen sink at the real estate market. It appears this is another attempt to not just slow the market down in metro Vancouver and the GTA but also THE BC HOME HUNTER GROUP METRO VANCOUVER l FRASER VALLEY l WEST COAST l BC   #Vancouver #WhiteRock #SouthSurrey #WestVancouver #Langley #MapleRidge #NorthVancouver #Langley #FraserValley #Burnaby #FortLangley #PittMeadows #Delta #Richmond #CoalHarbour #Surrey #Abbotsford #FraserValley #Kerrisdale #Cloverdale #Coquitlam #EastVan #Richmond #PortMoody #Yaletown #CrescentBeach #Clayton #MorganCreek #FraserValleyHomeHunter #VancouverHomeHunter #OceanPark #MorganHeights #GrandviewHeights #LynnValley #Lonsdale #VancouverHomeHunter #FraserValleyHomeHunter  #bchomehunter #vancouverhomehunter #fraservalleyhomehunter  #northvancouverhomehunter #whiterockhomehunter #langleyhomehunter #fortlangleyhomehunter #westvancouverhomehunter #pittmeadowshomehunter #burnabyhomehunter #coquitlamhomehunter #deltahomehunter #mapleridgehomehunter
#surreyhomehunter #southsurreyhomehunter #morganheightshomehunter #abbotsfordhomehunter #squamishhomehunter #whistlerhomehunter #portcoquitlamhomehunter #yaletownhomehunter #eastvancouverhomehunter #chilliwackhomehunter #okanaganhomehunter #islandhomehunter #canadianhomehunter #canadahomehunter #fixeruppercanada #fixeruppervancouver #604life #welovebc #wesellbc #urbansuburbanhomehunter #urbanhomehunter #suburbanhomehunter #sunshinecoasthomehunter #townhomehunter #condohomehunter #waterfronthomehunter #resorthomehunter #fraservalleysold #whiterocksold #langleysold #northvansold #westvansold #vancouverhomelove #okanagansold #bcrealtorsold #bchomelove #bchhrealty #vancouverhomelove #oceanparkhomehunter #grandviewhomehunter #crescentbeachhomehunter #bchomehunteracross the country. 

If one wanted to make it incredibly difficult for first time homebuyers to qualify for any mortgage in the country th... read more.

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