Metro Vancouver, Fraser Valley Real Estate Market Update Fall 2016

(August 22, 2016)

THE BC HOME HUNTER GROUP VANCOUVER I FRASER VALLEY I BC AWARD WINNING URBAN & SUBURBAN REAL ESTATE TEAM WITH HEART  604-767-6736 LOOK FOR OUR TRADEMARK SOLD HEART SIGN IN YOUR COMMUNITY WE SELL REAL ESTATE DIFFERENTLY  #Vancouver #WhiteRock #SouthSurrey #WestVancouver #Langley #MapleRidge #NorthVancouver #Langley #FraserValley #Burnaby #FortLangley #PittMeadows #Delta #Richmond #CoalHarbour #Surrey #Abbotsford #FraserValley #Kerrisdale #Cloverdale #Coquitlam #EastVan #Richmond #PortMoody #Yaletown #CrescentBeach #Clayton #MorganCreek #FraserValleyHomeHunter #VancouverHomeHunter #OceanPark #MorganHeights #GrandviewHeights #LynnValley #Lonsdale #VancouverHomeHunter #FraserValleyHomeHunter  #bchomehunter #vancouverhomehunter #fraservalleyhomehunter  #northvancouverhomehunter #whiterockhomehunter #langleyhomehunter #fortlangleyhomehunter #westvancouverhomehunter #pittmeadowshomehunter #burnabyhomehunter #coquitlamhomehunter #deltahomehunter #mapleridgehomehunter
 #surreyhomehunter #southsurreyhomehunter #morganheightshomehunter #abbotsfordhomehunter #squamishhomehunter #whistlerhomehunter #portcoquitlamhomehunter #yaletownhomehunter #eastvancouverhomehunter #chilliwackhomehunter #okanaganhomehunter #islandhomehunter #canadianhomehunter #canadahomehunter #fixeruppercanada #fixeruppervancouver #604life #welovebc #wesellbc #urbansuburbanhomehunter #urbanhomehunter #suburbanhomehunter #sunshinecoasthomehunter #townhomehunter #condohomehunter #waterfronthomehunter #resorthomehunter #fraservalleysold #whiterocksold #langleysold #northvansold #westvansold #vancouverhomelove #okanagansold #bcrealtorsold #bchomelove #bchhrealty #vancouverhomelove #oceanparkhomehunter #grandviewhomehunter #crescentbeachhomehunter #bchomehunterHere we go again folks - our latest update for the bi-polar metro Vancouver housing market. By now the entire world know's that Mayor Moonbeam, the media and "special interest group" succeeded in not just putting a gun to the head of the entire B.C. real estate market - they pulled the trigger. That's right folks the constant attacks by the left wing media, politicians and the usual suspects kille... read more.

Enter Our Back To School - Win A Bag & Swag Contest

(August 20, 2016)

THE BC HOME HUNTER GROUP VANCOUVER I FRASER VALLEY I BC YOUR URBAN & SUBURBAN REAL ESTATE EXPERTS 604-767-6736 WE SELL REAL ESTATE DIFFERENTLY! Our trademarked red SOLD heart is recognized everywhere as our commitment to our clients, communities and giving back. We sell real estate differently. We specialize in you. #Vancouver #WhiteRock #SouthSurrey #WestVancouver #Langley #MapleRidge #NorthVancouver #Langley #FraserValley #Burnaby #FortLangley #PittMeadows #Delta #Richmond #CoalHarbour #Surrey #Abbotsford #FraserValley #Kerrisdale #Cloverdale #Coquitlam #EastVan #Richmond #PortMoody #Yaletown #CrescentBeach #Clayton #MorganCreek #FraserValleyHomeHunter #VancouverHomeHunter #OceanPark #MorganHeights #GrandviewHeights #LynnValley #Lonsdale #VancouverHomeHunter #FraserValleyHomeHunter #bchomehunter #vancouverhomehunter #fraservalleyhomehunter  #northvancouverhomehunter #whiterockhomehunter #langleyhomehunter #fortlangleyhomehunter #westvancouverhomehunter #pittmeadowshomehunter #burnabyhomehunter #coquitlamhomehunter #deltahomehunter #mapleridgehomehunter #portmoodyhomehunter #surreyhomehunter #southsurreyhomehunter #morganheightshomehunter #abbotsfordhomehunter #squamishhomehunter #whistlerhomehunter #portcoquitlamhomehunter #yaletownhomehunter #eastvancouverhomehunter #chilliwackhomehunter #okanaganhomehunter #islandhomehunter #canadianhomehunter #canadahomehunter #604life #bchomehunterIf your a parent you understand full well from both sides what it's like to get ready for September and back to school here in the lower mainland or across B.C. Our tradition of giving back to B.C. families and communities makes up a huge part of what makes our real estate group tick so we thought how much fun it would be to run a little contest and give a few young people another reason to be smi... read more.

Rise Of The Burbs - Langley Home Hunter Real Estate Update

(August 07, 2016)

@BCHOMEHUNTER THE BC HOME HUNTER GROUP METRO VANCOUVER I FRASER VALLEY I BC URBAN & SUBURBAN REAL ESTATE SALES  What's in your backyard? Look for our trademarkedDid you say your a Langley Home Hunter? If your sitting in your overpriced Vancouver micro condo but you may have looked at Langley and the Fraser Valley as a potentially more affordable and better quality of life in Metro Vancouver, you’re not alone. Our real estate group at BCHH, the City and Township are all expecting major growth in the next two decades. We spoke to the issue of Vancouver beco... read more.

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