Mortgage & Finance Experts Say - No Housing Bubble?

(June 29, 2016)

THE BC HOME HUNTER GROUP  Metro Vancouver I Fraser Valley I BC Urban & Suburban Real Estate Experts   You've noticed we're different. We specialize in you. Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, Tumblr and Google+ 604-767-6736.  #Calgary #Toronto #Edmonton #Vancouver l #WhiteRock l #SouthSurrey l #WestVancouver l #Yaletown l #MapleRidge l #NorthVancouver l #Langley l #FraserValley l #Burnaby l #FortLangley l #PittMeadows l #Delta l #Richmond l #CoalHarbour l #Surrey l #Abbotsford l #FraserValley l #Kerrisdale l #Cloverdale l #Coquitlam l #Richmond l #PortMoody I #LynnValley I #EastVan I #SouthSurrey I #Clayton I #Kitsilano I #PortMoody I #MorganCreek I #PortCoquitlam I #Squamish I #Chilliwack I #Whistler #BCHOMEHUNTER.COM  #VANCOUVERHOMEHUNTER.COM  #FRASERVALLEYHOMEHUNTER.COM  #NORTHVANCOUVERHOMEHUNTER.COM  #WHITEROCKHOMEHUNTER.COM  #LANGLEYHOMEHUNTER.COM  #CLOVERDALEHOMEHUNTER.COM  #WESTVANCOUVERHOMEHUNTER.COM  #PITTMEADOWSHOMEHUNTER.COM  #BURNABYHOMEHUNTER.COM  #COQUITLAMHOMEHUNTER.COM  #DELTAHOMEHUNTER.COM  #MAPLERIDGEHOMEHUNTER.COM  #PORTMOODYHOMEHUNTER.COM  #SURREYHOMEHUNTER.COM  #SOUTHSURREYHOMEHUNTER.COM  #FORTLANGLEYHOMEHUNTER.COM  #MORGANHEIGHTSHOMEHUNTER.COM  #BCHOMEHUNTER.COMFasten your seatbelt folks, put your seat in the upright position and you better put that Starbucks non fat soy late down too! THERE IS NO HOUSING BUBBLE, and any misguided attempts to fix one will cause bigger problems in the long run according to Canadian Mortgage and business professionals. Unless of course politicians meddle in the market - then there is a qurantee it will either crash or they... read more.

The Truth About Metro Vancouver & Fraser Valley Real Estate 2016

(June 14, 2016)

@BCHOMEHUNTER THE BC HOME HUNTER GROUP METRO VANCOUVER I FRASER VALLEY I BC URBAN & SUBURBAN REAL ESTATE SALES  Homes are like people - they come in all shapes & sizes - and are all equally beautiful & worthy of being loved. S❤️LD! Whatever your dream home or first home looks like our passionate real estate team know your way home! Call us anytime.  Look for our trademarkedAt the risk of repeating ourselves - repeatedly. Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook are a few of the many platforms that curate the best of what is trending online. Recently, the death of music legend, Prince, and his huge hit, “Purple Rain,” were trending around the world. Tomorrow, the trending could change to some celebrity saying something woefully stupid, Donald Trump’s latest US elect... read more.

Should I Buy Or Should I Sell In Metro Vancouver Version 2016.0

(June 09, 2016)

Should I Buy Or Should I Sell In Metro Vancouver Version 2016.0

THE BC HOME HUNTER GROUP METRO VANCOUVER I FRASER VALLEY I BC URBAN & SUBURBAN REAL ESTATE SALES  What's in your backyard?  Homes are like people - they come in all shapes & sizes - and are all equally beautiful & worthy of being loved. S❤️LD!  Look for our “trademarked” S❤️LD heart signs in your neighbourhood - we L❤️VE giving back to you and our communities!
WE SELL REAL ESTATE - DIFFERENTLY!  We all reach that time in our lives: the moment when we’re ready to settle down, plant deep roots and plan for the future.  #Calgary #Toronto 
#Vancouver #WhiteRock #SouthSurrey #WestVancouver #Langley #MapleRidge #NorthVancouver #Langley #FraserValley #Burnaby #FortLangley #PittMeadows #Delta #Richmond #CoalHarbour #Surrey #Abbotsford #FraserValley #Kerrisdale #Cloverdale #Coquitlam #EastVan #Richmond #PortMoody #Yaletown #CrescentBeach #Clayton #MorganCreek #PortMoody #Burnaby #FraserValleyHomeHunter #VancouverHomeHunter  Considering buying or selling any Metro Vancouver, Fraser Valley or BC real estate?  Call our passionate real estate experts at THE BC HOME HUNTER GROUP anytime, 604-767-6736.If you review our blog and social media you'll find numerous articles and analysis speaking to every imaginable subject from unethical realtors, interest rates, shadow flipping, our bi polar real estate market and yes, whether you and yours should buy or sell your home today or tomorrow. 

For those of you who have only until today discov... read more.

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