BC Home Hunter - Fraser Valley Relocation Survival Guide 

(March 31, 2014 )

THE BC HOME HUNTER GROUP METRO VANCOUVER l FRASER VALLEY l WEST COAST l BC   #Vancouver #WhiteRock #SouthSurrey #WestVancouver #Langley #MapleRidge #NorthVancouver #Langley #FraserValley #Burnaby #FortLangley #PittMeadows #Delta #Richmond #CoalHarbour #Surrey #Abbotsford #FraserValley #Kerrisdale #Cloverdale #Coquitlam #EastVan #Richmond #PortMoody #Yaletown #CrescentBeach #Clayton #MorganCreek #FraserValleyHomeHunter #VancouverHomeHunter #OceanPark #MorganHeights #GrandviewHeights #LynnValley #Lonsdale #VancouverHomeHunter #FraserValleyHomeHunter #BCHHRealty.com  #bchomehunter #vancouverhomehunter #fraservalleyhomehunter  #northvancouverhomehunter #whiterockhomehunter #langleyhomehunter #fortlangleyhomehunter #westvancouverhomehunter #pittmeadowshomehunter #burnabyhomehunter #coquitlamhomehunter #deltahomehunter #mapleridgehomehunter
#surreyhomehunter #southsurreyhomehunter #morganheightshomehunter #abbotsfordhomehunter #squamishhomehunter #whistlerhomehunter #portcoquitlamhomehunter #yaletownhomehunter #eastvancouverhomehunter #chilliwackhomehunter #okanaganhomehunter #islandhomehunter #canadianhomehunter #canadahomehunter #fixeruppercanada #fixeruppervancouver #604life #welovebc #wesellbc #urbansuburbanhomehunter #urbanhomehunter #suburbanhomehunter #sunshinecoasthomehunter #townhomehunter #condohomehunter #waterfronthomehunter #resorthomehunter #fraservalleysold #whiterocksold #langleysold #northvansold #westvansold #vancouverhomelove #okanagansold #bcrealtorsold #bchomelove #bchhrealty #vancouverhomelove #oceanparkhomehunter #grandviewhomehunter #crescentbeachhomehunter #bchomehunterThe BC Home Hunter Group - Fraser Valley Relocation Survival Guide 
Anyone that has been following the west coast real estate market for any amount of time knows the Fraser Valley is a truly fabulous and increasingly sought after place to call home and also invest in the nearly endless real estate opportunities. 

Our real estate team at The BC Home Hunter Group are not just the friendliest professionals we are the acknowledged Urban and Suburban real estate experts. Whether you want to purchase a beautiful Fraser Valley dream home for you and your family or are considering investing, subdividing and developing anywhere in “The Valley” our exceptionally qualified and experienced real estate team has all your bases covered. Whatever direction you’re moving, we know your way home. 

As you can tell from all of our marketing, web site, countless social media, in depth reports and analysis and uniquely positioned real estate company, we are your “average” realtor, we are a championship calibre team fighting for each and every clients dream home.

Our BC Home Hunter Guide Book is designed for anyone considering a move to the Fraser Valley and is a great source of information. Feel free to call or email and we will be happy to deliver or mail you a copy and our latest “Truth About Real Estate” newsletter. Here are just a few of the things we have included to help you get your move off on the right foot:THE BC HOME HUNTER GROUP METRO VANCOUVER l FRASER VALLEY l WEST COAST l BC   #Vancouver #WhiteRock #SouthSurrey #WestVancouver #Langley #MapleRidge #NorthVancouver #Langley #FraserValley #Burnaby #FortLangley #PittMeadows #Delta #Richmond #CoalHarbour #Surrey #Abbotsford #FraserValley #Kerrisdale #Cloverdale #Coquitlam #EastVan #Richmond #PortMoody #Yaletown #CrescentBeach #Clayton #MorganCreek #FraserValleyHomeHunter #VancouverHomeHunter #OceanPark #MorganHeights #GrandviewHeights #LynnValley #Lonsdale #VancouverHomeHunter #FraserValleyHomeHunter #BCHHRealty.com  #bchomehunter #vancouverhomehunter #fraservalleyhomehunter  #northvancouverhomehunter #whiterockhomehunter #langleyhomehunter #fortlangleyhomehunter #westvancouverhomehunter #pittmeadowshomehunter #burnabyhomehunter #coquitlamhomehunter #deltahomehunter #mapleridgehomehunter
#surreyhomehunter #southsurreyhomehunter #morganheightshomehunter #abbotsfordhomehunter #squamishhomehunter #whistlerhomehunter #portcoquitlamhomehunter #yaletownhomehunter #eastvancouverhomehunter #chilliwackhomehunter #okanaganhomehunter #islandhomehunter #canadianhomehunter #canadahomehunter #fixeruppercanada #fixeruppervancouver #604life #welovebc #wesellbc #urbansuburbanhomehunter #urbanhomehunter #suburbanhomehunter #sunshinecoasthomehunter #townhomehunter #condohomehunter #waterfronthomehunter #resorthomehunter #fraservalleysold #whiterocksold #langleysold #northvansold #westvansold #vancouverhomelove #okanagansold #bcrealtorsold #bchomelove #bchhrealty #vancouverhomelove #oceanparkhomehunter #grandviewhomehunter #crescentbeachhomehunter #bchomehunter

• A complete map of the area, including all streets, highways, public transportation, schools, parks and public areas, shopping centres, churches and major landmarks.
• Guide to schools, recreation facilities, popular restaurants, shops, attractions and entertainment in the various regions.
• An insightful step-by-step relocation check-list, including everything you'll need to do in your current home, things to take care of before you get here, and the things you'll need to take care of once you arrive. Our friendly and knowledgeable real estate team are at your disposal to assist you with all of your relocation requirements.
• Our BC Home Hunter local neighbourhoods, including the current average prices and types of homes, as well as the best schools, parks and recreational areas found in each one.
• Referral listings of our hand-selected and highly recommended team of local professionals, including mortgage and loan officers, accountants, lawyers, decorators, remodelling and construction companies, financial planners, house cleaners, landscapers and more.

THE BC HOME HUNTER GROUP METRO VANCOUVER l FRASER VALLEY l WEST COAST l BC   #Vancouver #WhiteRock #SouthSurrey #WestVancouver #Langley #MapleRidge #NorthVancouver #Langley #FraserValley #Burnaby #FortLangley #PittMeadows #Delta #Richmond #CoalHarbour #Surrey #Abbotsford #FraserValley #Kerrisdale #Cloverdale #Coquitlam #EastVan #Richmond #PortMoody #Yaletown #CrescentBeach #Clayton #MorganCreek #FraserValleyHomeHunter #VancouverHomeHunter #OceanPark #MorganHeights #GrandviewHeights #LynnValley #Lonsdale #VancouverHomeHunter #FraserValleyHomeHunter #BCHHRealty.com  #bchomehunter #vancouverhomehunter #fraservalleyhomehunter  #northvancouverhomehunter #whiterockhomehunter #langleyhomehunter #fortlangleyhomehunter #westvancouverhomehunter #pittmeadowshomehunter #burnabyhomehunter #coquitlamhomehunter #deltahomehunter #mapleridgehomehunter
#surreyhomehunter #southsurreyhomehunter #morganheightshomehunter #abbotsfordhomehunter #squamishhomehunter #whistlerhomehunter #portcoquitlamhomehunter #yaletownhomehunter #eastvancouverhomehunter #chilliwackhomehunter #okanaganhomehunter #islandhomehunter #canadianhomehunter #canadahomehunter #fixeruppercanada #fixeruppervancouver #604life #welovebc #wesellbc #urbansuburbanhomehunter #urbanhomehunter #suburbanhomehunter #sunshinecoasthomehunter #townhomehunter #condohomehunter #waterfronthomehunter #resorthomehunter #fraservalleysold #whiterocksold #langleysold #northvansold #westvansold #vancouverhomelove #okanagansold #bcrealtorsold #bchomelove #bchhrealty #vancouverhomelove #oceanparkhomehunter #grandviewhomehunter #crescentbeachhomehunter #bchomehunterFraser Valley City and District Links:
The Fraser Valley Regional District: www.fvrd.bc.ca
The Corporation of Delta: www.corp.delta.bc.ca
City of Surrey: www.surrey.ca
City of Langley: www.city.langley.bc.ca
Township of Langley: www.tol.ca
City of White Rock: www.city.whiterock.bc.ca
City of Abbotsford: www.abbotsford.ca
District of Mission: www.mission.ca
The City of Pitt Meadows: www.pittmeadows.bc.ca
The District of Maple Ridge: www.mapleridge.ca
The City of Abbotsford: www.abbotsford.ca
The District of Mission: www.mission.ca
The City of Chilliwack: www.chilliwack.ca 

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